Frederick, MD & Hagerstown | (301) 416-0575


Corrosion and rust are some of the biggest concerns that car owners have about their vehicle's bodywork. Thus, ALF Marketing in Hagerstown shares how to keep corrosion and rust from scattering on the car's surface.

Find the most versatile synthetic oil products by calling  ALF Marketing in Hagerstown at (301) 416-0575. Their specialists will be thrilled to help you pick the most reliable AMSOIL formulas to optimize engine performance. Don't be afraid to reach out to them and learn more about the perks of synthetic additives.

Every vehicle is susceptible to rust and other corrosive elements that could destroy the car's surface. Whether you're dealing with brand new cars or automobiles that have traveled many miles, rust is a threat you must always keep in mind. Repairing these flaws costs a pretty penny. It's time-consuming and decreases the vehicle's resale value in some cases.

Where Can You Find Rust?

Rust usually forms in the same areas on all vehicles: around the fenders, under the hood and grille, along the edges of the trunk, and around the rims of the doors and handles. However, given the environmental conditions and levels of neglect, rust can form on any part of the vehicle's metal. Prevention is a better alternative than fixing the damage because you are left with no other choice. Washing and waxing your car removes all settled surface contaminants and thus prevents rust from forming and adhering to the metal. It also removes impurities from any damaged parts of the paint, such as chips or scratches, which start to oxidize if left unwashed or stored in a humid place.

Another great way to keep your engine running strong for longer is by investing in quality products for its maintenance. Call ALF Marketing in Hagerstown at (301) 416-0575 to learn more about the perks of synthetic additives. Also, don't forget to stop by the AMSOIL store to place an order.

Washing and Waxing Can Spare You the Struggle

If you want to keep rust from spreading, a step in the right direction to prevent rust is regularly polishing and waxing your vehicle after washing it. These tasks improve the condition of the paint and prevent contaminants from adhering to the surface. This is due to the smooth coating that forms and protects the paint from those elements. Though it's worth mentioning that some specialized waxes and sealants provide long-term protection, so, polishing and waxing won't necessarily have to be a regular practice. A vehicle that is polished and waxed twice a year will benefit and will be less likely to form rust than a vehicle that hasn't been polished and protected in years. Wax provides a thin film on the car's paint to protect it from rust and bouncing stones that damage the paint, which can easily cause rust marks. These films are entirely transparent and will not be noticeable once applied. They usually are placed at the front of the car, on the fenders, which are very susceptible to stone damage.

Careful with Engine Rust

This kind of rust forming outside the engine can be perceived in plain sight, making it easier to detect and prevent. However, inevitable factors generate rust inside the machine, and if this happens, it could render the engine useless.

What to Do If There's Rust on the Car

If parts of your vehicle are already rusting, you can do a few things to stop this corrosive effect from spreading. Remove existing rust as much as possible, and then use preventive products on the affected area. These products will permanently seal the metal through a chemical reaction and stop any residual rust particles from developing. It's ubiquitous for some vehicles to have a thin layer of rubber or vinyl found on the edge of the fender. If rust is already forming around the fender, these moldings, rubber, or vinyl may be the source of the problem. Likewise, these items should be removed and then cleaned and dried with a water-repellent polish to ensure they are not contaminated and don't retain moisture. To keep rust from spreading, you must identify the areas where it commonly starts and determine what type of maintenance should be given to that area to prevent rust.

Using fuel additives like AMSOIL's Miracle Wash Waterless Wash and Wax Spray requires no soap and will help protect your car's bodywork while leaving a smooth shine afterward.

If you want to learn more about automobile maintenance, click here or call (301) 416-0575 to reach out to the oil pros at  ALF Marketing in Hagerstown to learn about the perks of synthetic additives.